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Troop 2 Christmas Tree Lot

The Christmas Tree Lot is run by the scouts under the supervision of parent volunteers. It is the main source of income for Troop 2 and has been so for 44 years (32 years in the same location.) This is the time when parents and scouts are called upon to help the Troop.


Setup: Saturday, November 28, 2015
Tree Delivery: Sunday, November 29, 2015
Tree Delivery 2: Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tree Lot Delivery Consent Form


Tree Lot Parent Chair - Marvin Lai


The Christmas Tree Lot is located at 1517 Montana Avenue, between 15th and 16th Streets. Parents of scouts in a patrol are asked to work in the lot. When scouts are working, they do the selling, and parents are there to ring up the sales and act as a back-up. When the boys are in school, it is the parents who do the selling of trees, wreaths, garlands, etc. Patrol leaders are responsible for staffing the lot on specific days that they are assigned. They, in turn, contact the parents of scouts in their patrol and schedule an agreeable day and time for the parents to work. You will most likely be scheduled to work only 1 day during the time the lot is open, unless you enjoy it so much you want to return more often -- yes, this does happen. The tree lot is open from the Tuesday after Thanksgiving until all trees are sold - December 20 last year.


There are 6 schedules available for parents 7 days a week:
8:00 AM to Noon -- Noon to 4:00 PM -- 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
4:00 PM to 9:00 PM -- 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM -- 9:00 PM to 8:00 AM

That's right, 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM. It's usually the dads who take the night shift, though a few women have braved it alone in the past. The lot is open for business daily from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

Patrol Leaders are responsible for staffing the lot on their assigned days (about 3 days with parents, and 7 with scouts.) These are the days you and your son will work. Scouts are required to put in a minimum of 20 hours' work in the tree lot. Scouts traditionally put in more hours than that. Patrol leaders usually put in even more hours. Last year the record by one scout was 67 hours. Patrols win points that are assessed not only by number of hours worked by scouts in that patrol, but also by the quality of work they perform.


Scouts are assigned to work on the days that their Patrol Leader is responsible for. Again, many scouts work more than that both because they enjoy working there, and they want to gain points for their patrol. They may work days that are not assigned to them by their patrol leader in addition to the days that are, but they are required to work a minimum of 20 hours.

** Scouts should bring some money for a drink and pizza when they work!!

All Scouts who complete their minimum 20-hour requirement are given a discount of $100 off the price of the Ski Trip in February or Summer Camp.


While working at the tree lot, scouts:

  • unload trees when the truck arrives with a shipment

  • assist customers

  • carry trees to the checkout

  • deliver trees to customers who live within walking distance (10 blocks, I think?)

  • attach tree stands

  • keep the grounds tidy

  • get tree sap on their uniform

  • have a good time and get to know one another better

(Scouts who are out of a patrol) oversee the Patrol Leaders, and they are scheduled weekdays at 5:00, 6:00, and 7:00 PM for 2-hour shifts and weekends at 10:00, 1:00, and 5:00 PM for 4-hour shifts.



Scouts MUST wear Uniform Shirt, Neckerchief, & Slide at the Tree Lot - any pants are OK
WORK GLOVES ARE ESSENTIAL (with name inside)
Bring a T-Shirt to change into on days trees are being delivered

Parents are trained by the person they are relieving on the schedule. The trees are labeled by size and type. In the office (so to speak), there are lists posted with tree prices (by size and type), a tax table, delivery charges, and instructions on how to use the cash register. There are emergency numbers to call in case you don't know what to do, and seasoned parents often stop by to check on how things are going. Scouts sign in and out for their shift and in and out for their breaks.

Tree Lot Guidelines:

The Troop 2 Christmas tree lot is the biggest single producer of funds that support the Troop’s activities. As Scouts, it affords you the opportunity to learn something about working with a few basic tools, serving customers, and running a business. Scouts earn credit for their Patrols for time served while on shift and possibly credit toward the ski trip or summer camp.

Download the Tree Lot Guidelines >

My Personal Comments:

  • Send your son with work gloves especially the days trees are being delivered. Orchard Supply on Bundy often has them on sale for $2.98 a pair

  • Maybe get a pair for yourself, too

  • Don't expect to ever see the gloves return home

  • If you stop by and bring a snack for the boys -- IT WILL BE EATEN, even the crumbs


Tree Sap Stain Removal Suggestions

Dan Stirling swears by: Amway Gel Bug & Tar Remover - if you don't know where to get it, ask Dan

© 2025 Troop 2 Santa Monica

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