Patrol Scoring
1. Regular troop meetings (non-advancement):
1st place: 20 points
2nd place: 18 points
3rd place: 16 points, etc.
2. Patrol meetings:
Assistant Patrol Leaders are expected to email the Scoutmaster after each patrol meeting to report attendance and what happened at the meeting. Your patrol earns 3 bonus points for each patrol meeting at which at least half your patrol members attend.
3. Camps (count as two regular troop meetings):
1st place: 40 points
2nd place: 36 points 3rd place:
32 points, etc.
4. Advancement (January Court and June Court):
You get points for each patrol member who earned a rank or merit badge while a member of your patrol (but not before he entered your patrol), as follows:
Advancement in rank: 5 points
Eagle-required merit badge: 3 points
Non-Eagle-required merit badge: 2 points
5. Patrol camp (must occur between September and November troop camps):
40 points if at least 3 Scouts and 2 adults participate; 4 bonus points for each Scout or adult over this minimum. In addition, you earn 8 bonus points for a 1 hour service project completed at the camp. Maximum of 80 points (e.g., 8 extra people and a service project). You must camp at least one night in tents or under the stars and prepare at least two meals (dinner and breakfast). You must also notify me in writing where and when you went, who went, and the service project you did (if any). NOTE: Your patrol flag can count as an extra person if you take a picture at your camp with your flag and everybody who was there.
6. Special activities:
An appropriate point system will be used. For example, the tree lot counts as 4 troop meetings. Bloody Monday counts as 2 troop meetings. Franklin Cleanup (if we do it) is based on 40 points: the percent of your patrol that participates times 30 points, plus one additional point for each broom or dustpan a patrol member brings (10 max)