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Bloody Monday

Every other Spring, Troop 2 stages a mock disaster, known as Blood Monday, in concert with the Santa Monica Police Department, Fire & Rescue Crews, and local hospitals. This gives our Scouts the opportunity to practice the First Aid and Emergency Prepardness skills they have been learning since joining Troop 2.

Just like any disaster, the date is not announced in advance. Scouts are called and expected to respond within a moment's notice. They arrive with their "always prepared" First Aid Kits and go to work saving lives wherever they are directed.

Troop 2 is lucky to have many doctors, nurses, and health personnel among its parent population, and they critique the boys' responses and abilities in the face of "mock" disaster.

Download the Field Operations Guide >

Press and Photos

Read a Scouting magazine article about Bloody Monday by Keith Monroe, Scoutmaster Emeritus:

"This Troop Invents Trouble" >

Read an article about Bloody Monday from the Santa Monica Daily Press >

(Reprinted with permission of the Santa Monica Daily Press)

Photos of Past Bloody Mondays:

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