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Prepare to Be an Eagle Scout

Preparation for becoming an Eagle Scout begins when you join the Troop. Please keep all rank, merit badge (blue card), leadership and other award certification and badges because you will have to present most of that information with your Eagle application. One of the best ways to do this is in a notebook with plastic card holders, like those used for baseball cards.

The Eagle Scout advisers are
Gerald Bender and Stephan Corbel. He is willing to answer any questions you may have at any point along your way to becoming an Eagle Scout. Links to Downloads are at the bottom of this page.

Requirements for Eagle Scout Rank

The Boy Scouts of America has six requirements for achieving Eagle Scout:

  1. Be active in your troop for at least six months after earning Life Scout.

  2. Demonstrate that you live by the principles of the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life.

  3. Earn a total of 21 merit badges, including 13 required badges.

  4. While a Life Scout, serve in a leadership position for at least six months.

  5. While a Life Scout, plan, develop and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, school or community organization.

  6. Write a statement of ambitions and life purposes.


Approvals on the application form must be obtained from the Scoutmaster (after a Scoutmaster conference) and the Parents Committee (after a Troop board of review, signed by the Eagle adviser). The Eagle Scout application must be submitted to the District office before the 18th birthday. The District board of review may be conducted after the 18th birthday.


Steps to Becoming an Eagle Scout

Making application for Eagle Rank and seeing it through to completion requires effort, dedication and attention to timing and requirements. Read the application and directions carefully and follow them in word and spirit. Listed below are the steps to follow. They are generally sequential.

  1. Complete the first four steps listed above.

  2. Submit a 3-paragraph description of your proposed Eagle project to the Troop 2 Eagle Advisor via email for approval by the Scoutmaster. This should include why you want to do this project, who the project will benefit and a brief outline of the project scope.

  3. Using the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, plan out and write a project proposal in consultation with the Eagle adviser and representatives of the organization that will benefit. Secure approval signatures from the Scoutmaster and the representative of the organization that will benefit. Note: A Scout must have written permission from the benefactor before presenting project to T2 Parent Committee. Eagle projects that are to be done at on SMMUSD property must have a special permission form signed but the school district facilities manager. Present the project proposal to the T2 Parents Committee. Once approved by the Parents Committee, secure the Eagle adviser’s and Scoutmaster’s signature on the Workbook. Secure final approval from the District Eagle Representative, Mr. Eric Singer (,
    (310) 280-9086.

  4. Complete the project. While there is no specific requirement for the number of hours that must be worked by all participants, almost all projects exceed 100 hours by participants not including the scout’s hours.

  5. Write up the project results. Include documentation such as before-and-after pictures, a list of who participated and number of hours, and materials needed.

  6. Write Requirement 7, the statement of ambitions and life purpose. Include a list of positions held and honors and awards received, both in and out of Scouting.

  7. Submit a draft copy of Leadership Service Project Workbook, Eagle Scout Rank Application, Requirement 7, and a copy of merit badge and rank advancement cards to the Eagle adviser in draft form for review. Note: On the Eagle Scout Rank Application, Staff or SIT leadership positions should be listed as "Assistant Senior Patrol Leader".

  8. After review by the Eagle adviser, complete the Leadership Service Project Workbook, Eagle Scout Rank Application, Requirement 7, in final form. Organize in a red, 1” 3-ring binder with cover sheet. Sections of the binder should be clearly separated as follows: Application, Requirement 7, Project Proposal, Project Final Plan, and Advancement. Include a signed advancement report from the Troop 2 Advancement Chair, Mrs. Sussman.

  9. Schedule a conference with the Scoutmaster. Communicate with the Scoutmaster about documents that he requires before the Scoutmaster
    Conference. Send those documents to the Scoutmaster, then communicate with him to arrange a date for the Scoutmaster Conference.

  10. Deliver your completed application to the Eagle advisor. In order to be recognized at the next Court of Honor, the completed application must be delivered to the Eagle advisor no later than the Sunday six weeks before the Court.

  11. Schedule a Troop 2 Eagle Board of Review with the Eagle advisor. Bring the completed binder described above, with 3 color copies (in a flat, presentation folder). If passed, secure appropriate signature on the application.

  12. Upon passing the T2 Board you will be given the link to submit your application electronically. You must submit the application before your 18th
    Keep your hard copies to bring to the District Board of Review.

  13. After you submit your application, you will receive an email that your application was accepted. You will then sign up for the District Eagle Board of Review. Pick a date and then reach out for Mr. Bender and other ASMs. For your District Board you will need: and ASM to introduce you and three adults to serve on an Eagle board of review. The way it works is you and a candidate from another troop are paired, he provides the three for your board and you his.

Eagle Binder Tips

Completing the Application

  1. List Your Full Name: First, middle and last names in that order, to 30 characters maximum. Middle initial may be used if full name is more than 30 characters.

  2. Scouting Dates: First Class, Star and Life ranks are Board of Review dates, not Court of Honor.

  3. Age Requirement Eligibility: All requirements must be met by the 18th birthday.

  4. Requirement 2, listing individuals who are willing to provide recommendations: If no formal religious affiliation, list parents/guardians or leave blank. If no employer, leave blank. No letters of recommendation are required.

  5. Requirement 3, Merit Badges: "Date Earned" is the date the Merit Badge counselor signed the Merit Badge Blue card, (not date of the Board of Review for the badge).

  6. Requirement 4, leadership: Service as Troop 2 Staff or Staff in Training should be listed as “Assistant Senior Patrol Leader”. Only leadership since earning Life Scout should be entered.

Assembling the Application
Material should be assembled in the order listed on the application, with the application first. It is helpful to divide the sections with tabs in notebook style. The order:

  1. Eagle Scout Rank Application

  2. Requirement 7: Statement of ambition and life purposes

  3. Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal

  4. Eagle Scout Service Project Final Plan

  5. Eagle Scout Service Project Report

  6. Advancement records including Merit Badge Blue Cards and Rank Cards (photocopies, not originals - hold the originals in your own records) and Troop 2 Advancement report signed by Troop 2 Advancement chair Mr. Matthew Benham.


Expectations for Eagle Candidates

Eagle candidates must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. This means wearing a full Scout uniform including sash and black dress shoes when engaged in Eagle presentations and boards, especially Mr. Singer. The content and presentation of Eagle binder is to be at the highest level.


The Eagle candidates must initiate communication with the Eagle advisor. Communication must be email or personal meetings. No texting. Emails must be professional with no spelling or grammatical errors. The Eagle candidates must communicate with the project benefactors and suppliers. Always cc another adult like a parent when emailing an ASM.

Eagle project coach

To ensure a successful Eagle project, a coach is highly recommended. This person can be the Scout’s parent or someone with experience in the type of work the Eagle project will entail. The coach can help the Scout in planning the details of his project and be on the job site as an advisor during the project. It’s important the Scout is leading the project development and execution and that the coach is there to support him.

Note to parents

Please keep in mind that this is your son’s Eagle rank to earn on his own. This is an excellent opportunity for him to plan and execute a long term project. A part of the Eagle rank process is for the Scouts to develop confidence communicating with adults on their own. The Eagle advisor will only communicate with the Scout about their Eagle rank. Of course parents can help the Scout behind the scenes but it’s the Scout that needs to communicate with the Eagle advisor. If a Scout is in jeopardy of not completing all the Eagle requirements by his 18th birthday the Eagle Advisor will reach out to the parents so they can take appropriate action.


Eagle Court of Honor

The Eagle Court of Honor is a celebration and recognition of the Scout’s hard work. Scouts must have passed their District Eagle Board of Review (DEBOR) to be honored and receive their Eagle rank at the T2 Court of Honors that are held in the winter (late
January early February) or in the spring (early June). As a consideration by the Troop, Scouts who have completed all their Eagle rank requirements and submitted them to the Eagle advisor by a specified date will honored even if they have not yet had their
DEBOR. This deadline will be the date exactly 6 weeks prior to the Court of Honor date. The Eagle badge will be returned to him, and he will be listed as a Troop 2 Eagle S
cout, when he passes his DEBOR. If the Scout completes his Eagle rank requirements after the deadline date, he will be honored at the next Court of Honor.

Deliver the application, and three binder copies to the Westside Service Center. It is located at 10131 National Blvd. Suite A, Los Angeles, CA 90034.


Names and addresses of VIPS to write to for Congratulatory Letters for your son. >

Step 1: Save pdf to your desktop BEFORE filling out the form.
Step 2: Fill out the form and save.




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