Troop 2 Walk on Montana
The Open House on Montana Avenue is really the "kick-off" of the Christmas Tree Lot. Most of the shops on Montana Avenue put sale merchandise out on the sidewalk in front of their store. Many stores also put out snacks of some sort, and there are small bands playing Christmas music along the route. It draws a hugh crowd and is very festive.
The Montana Avenue "Walk on Montana" is from 5-9 P.M.
The Mother's Club sets up tables in front of the Christmas Tree Lot and hands out 10% off Flyers for the Tree Lot and Hot Cider and Christmas Cookies which are baked or bought by Troop 2 moms.
Many parents congregate in the Tree Lot or come and go while checking out the bargains (?) at the sidewalk sale. The Tree Lot gets a lot of activity at this time.
The Scouts wear their uniform and some hand out the Tree Lot Flyers to the stores on Montana Avenue as well as hand them out to the shoppers along the way while others sell trees in the lot. If the right combo works out, some scouts may play Christmas music next to Cookie Table.